Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kitty Porn

The other day my sister and I were having a conversation.  She is the Executive Director of a community clinic for low or no income children.  She was telling me that one of their 13 year old patients was pregnant.  The father of the child, another 13 year old, has fathered two other children in his Middle School.  What does one do about this?  How can this happen?  I, certainly not naive, am dumfounded about this.  I know that children today are much more, for lack of a better word, stimulated than we were back in the day before computers, cell phones and computer and cell phone porn.  But 13 year olds???  Really??  What does one do to this boy to keep him from impregnating young girls?  Can he help support the children?  What are you going to do, take 50% of his lunch money?

The very next day, something occurred in my back yard that made me have faith in the male species once again. You all know that I have the custody of my 79 year old daughter's brain damaged cat, Elsie. Well, along with her I have inherited 2 to 3 feral cats, depending on the day.  One is a female white cat that I have named Blanca. One is a large orange male cat that I have named The Big Orange Mo.  Occasionally a beautiful blue Tabby shows up and his name is Jet Blue, and like the airline, he is rarely on time and not very friendly.

But, I digress... the other morning I was working in the front yard. I headed toward the back to put a bag of trash in the garbage cans and I heard a loud, dare I say, CATterwalling. Cat screams so loud I bet they heard them 5 or 6 houses down the street.  Senorita Blanca and The Big Orange Mo were gettin' busy.  REAL BUSY! I must admit, and I am proud to say, that I have never seen two cats doing the nasty.  But, I was fascinated. And by the time I could get in the house to get my phone to take a photo of such copulating, they were done.

It is certainly not rare for a feral male cat to get a little "pussy".  But what happened next was what I think is rare for the male species.  The deed was done and I expected The Big Orange Mo to run along, grab a cigarette, get a beer and brag to all the other cats about how he nailed Blanca. You know, like most men do. But in an unpredictable turn of events, I looked out in the back yard and there were Blanca and The Big Orange Mo lying face to face basking in the after glow.  And they stayed there for about an hour. They even let me get closer than 30 feet from them.  And The Big Orange Mo is no "Run Away Mo", the two of them have been seen together ever since.  It won't surprise me if he is in the delivery room with her and even dips into the "kitty" and helps out with kitten support payments. He's a stand-up Cat, that Big Orange Mo.

Yes, of course, the humane thing to do would be to try to catch them and get them spayed and neutered.  However, it is virtually impossible for these two wild "kits".  On the other hand, I bet we could catch that 13 year old boy and cut his nuts off.   That also would be very humane!!!

What would Betty say?  "Those girls need to keep their legs closed".  And then she would go on about me spending to much money feeding those cats.


  1. Another reason why you should always wear your fanny pack: handy for phones, catching wild pussy in action!!! Just MHO.

    As for the kids, in all seriousness, there was an 11 year old at our local middle school who got pregnant---11 years old!!!---and it seems to me that the biggest problem of all is self-respect and respect for others. There is hardly any among young kids...well, not all kids are disrespectful or have low self-esteem or want to bang their best friend's sister (at least, they don't say so out loud, so good for you, whippersnapper!), how to we teach kids morals and compassion and respect? As your sister, Susan, knows, it sure would be considerate of the people who banged each other in the first place (end result: children) to PARENT THEIR OFFSPRING with the flip of the "parent on!" switch---being present/respectful, spending quality time playing with their kids, joining the PTA, knowing their child's friends, perhaps church or synogogue (is that spelled right (b/c it looks like "syno-go-gee") or whatever form of spiritual time---walking int the woods, camping, sitting outside under the stars)---and instilling respect in the family unit. However, that being said, many parents have a mulit-tude of reasons for being "absent in presence"---work, travel, downloading porn with that glazed look on their face while baby says, "Bottle? Pick me up? HellloOOOOooooOO?" So, if you can't find respect in your family of origin and the school is supposed to teach it, but kids are talking to one another (as kids do) about what is in (sexting, computers, etc), then YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY. Cats will do what cats will do, so we'll just have to start spaying/neutering humans at 6 (so when they start kindegarten, they have their lunchbox and attend worry free!) But you knew all this. Thanks for writing another tee-riffic entry, Sir Duke!
