Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resignations

Well, well, well....

2012 is here.  I rang in the New Year with 3 of my dearest and oldest (length of friendship and age) friends.
Last night on New Year's Eve, I asked them what their resolutions were for this year. Suzanne and Reagan sat silent and Bob said he wanted to lose weight and meet President Obama. (or was it Newt Gingrich?  I can't recall)   I, without hesitation said that I wanted to try to write in my blog at least 5 days a week.  They looked at me and said that maybe a better goal was once a week. We compromised my first resolution by saying that I will try to write in my blog 3 days a week, and write something, anything, every day.

Lots of you have asked me for new posts.  I have to say that I haven't a good reason for not writing, except that I just didn't want to. The last few months of 2011 were stressful and strange and I just didn't feel like talking about it.  So there.

But now with the new year upon us, I want to write.  I don't know if it's because of the new year or if my attitude has changed or if in even numbered years I feel more creative, but the time is now. We'll see how far I get with keeping up with my compromised resolution.

I have never been one to create a resolution list, but this year I have a few, but this year, they might just be New Year's Resignations:

Write more. (see above)

Feed the brain damaged cat only dry food. She doesn't know this yet, so I expect protests from her and her 3 wayward friends whom also like to imbibe in the almighty wet food.

Have more patience with the 79 year old daughter.Try to come up with creative answers to her pleas to go home. Try and try to help her to find happiness or at least stop asking me to take her home.

Sell this house. I want it gone.  Please buy this house.

Quit smoking.  (Shrug. Sigh. Cough up a lung) For the 237th time I will try to kick this hideous habit that has taken over my life. I would try Chantix again, but I am afraid I might kill myself and that would impede me from accomplishing my aforementioned resolutions.

Make a ton of money. (Shrug. Sigh. Cough up a lung)

And so, on January 1, 2012, I've started to keep my resolutions.  I am resigned to the realization that I might not do so well on this list.  But then again, I,  like my friend Bob who desperately wants to meet President Obama (or Newt Gingrich),  I might just surprise you and myself.

What would Betty say? "My resolution is to not talk so much".  Nah, just kidding, she would never say that. But she would go on and on about how her house is a mess and that I am spending too much on that brain damaged cat and she can't believe that I ever started smoking and that President Obama is a nice looking man but he should have had his ears pinned back.


  1. So glad you're in the mood again. I've missed you! I just finished my photo-a-day goal for my blog in 2011. Phew!

  2. Thank you and looking forward to more. Much love...mollie

  3. Whatever you write is ALL-WRITE with your fans! And if you do kick the nicotine habit this year, would you please let my darling husband know how much better you are feeling? Happy 2012!!
