Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WASPS are Stupid

I destroyed a wasp nest today.  And I enjoyed it.  Well, I did at first.

Did you know that wasps are stupid? (the insects, not White Anglo Saxon Protestants, however, some of them are really stupid, too.)  I don't know much about entomology, but I really can't imagine why they exist. I am sure they do something for the eco-system, but I can't imagine that it is really vital. I am sure that other insects could do what they do.

Today I noticed a wasp nest forming on the overhang above my garage door.  About an hour later I went outside and there were 5 wasps busily making the nest. So I opened the garage door and they did not move.
I grabbed a can of Raid and stood about 10 inches away from the nest and they did not move.  I sprayed the beJeezus out of them. Most insects are smart enough to scatter when a human approaches (i.e. flies and mosquitos), but not the dumbass wasps.  They succumbed to the repellant and flailed to the ground, writhing in a Raid induced seizure.

And therefore my bad feelings.  It was so easy. There was no satisfaction in destroying 5 hideous pests. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.  It was like stumping Half-Governor Sarah Palin with an American History question.

It's just too easy.

Betty's reaction: "Willie Lou (her sister) blows up when she gets stung by bees".  And once again she reminds me to not use dirty words.

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