And he said "yes, yes, yes".
It seems The Weiner won't wither. In the words of Effie in "Dreamgirls"..."And I am telling you I am not going!" Well, he's going to Rehab, but he is NOT going from the Congress.
Over the weekend The Weiner apparently checked into Rehab. Who knew they had a rehab for narcissism?
Isn't that what he is addicted to.... himself? Now, I have been around. And I have known some narcissistic, arrogant people in my life. I am in the business we call "show" after all. I have been around actors for almost 30 years, so I know some me some narcissists. But this Weiner. Wow! He's taking pictures of just about every part of his body(okay, EVERY body part of his body) and sending them to ANYONE who will look at them, whether they are wanting them or not.
Some would say that The Weiner is a sex addict. I don't really think so. Surely he has issues with that, but I don't think that is the root of his problem. Personally, I think the root of his problem started at conception when he was given that nose and that name. I am sure he was ridiculed his whole life. Probably a smart brainy child, I am sure he had to fight to get attention amongst his peers. Generally speaking Jews are not known to be outstanding athletes. I am sure he had problems getting the girls as an adolescent. So he had to try harder to be seen and heard. (I totally get that!) So, what happens? He works hard and becomes a Congressman. And a media darling - yelling and fighting against the right wing idiots. And when he gets the attention - he loses control and sends pictures of " the wiener" to women that think he's "special".
He says he's not resigning from Congress. Everyone wants him to. I am conflicted about whether I think he should resign or not. He hasn't broken any laws (that we know of) unlike others in Congress who have slept with prostitutes and paid off mistresses and gotten their spouses illegal lobbying jobs. But he lied. A lot.
Will we ever trust anything he says again? Time will tell. Should we kick him out because he is a narcissistic perv? If that's the case then 87% of Congress would be gone.
So, Mr. Weiner, good luck with that Rehab Thingy. Hope it works out well for you. I am sure that we will hear all about it in a 45 minute press conference... or a book... or perhaps he will "tweet" us and tell us all about it! Hopefully with pictures!
What would Betty say about this? "He got hit with an ugly stick. I don't know why they didn't fix his nose". And then she would segue into something about Bill Clinton and how she has no respect for Hillary for staying with him. "I would have beaten him with a baseball bat and kicked him to the curb".
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