The birth control pill was introduced in the early 1960's. Unfortunately for some, it didn't become readily available until the mid 60's. So, in approximately May of 1960 when Charles apparently got a little "frisky", much to the surprise and dismay of Betty, she got pregnant. Even though Charles was a talented musician, evidently he had bad rhythm and subsequently, I was born. So, when in the mid 60's when the "pill" was available to her, she, and just about every woman in America, ran as fast as she could to the doctor and got on it.
In 1973, Roe v. Wade became the LAW of the land, thus preventing thousands of women from having to go to extraordinarily painful, dangerous and life threatening measures to end an unwanted pregnancy. It's a LAW (made during a Republican administration) that has made white men from all over the country literally go crazy. This decision has made white men picket, protest, become violent and kill. To be fair, some white women have also picketed, protested, became violent and killed. I am a man, a white man, to boot, however, I feel that the rights of women are just that, RIGHTS OF WOMEN. Not men. Not white men. Not black men, not brown men, not green men....not any MAN. It has always baffled me as to why men get a say in this issue.
Here we are in 2012, Two thousand twelve!, and the rights of women are in more danger than ever before.
Unfortunately, for a Republican to be a "true" Republican today, you must honor the sanctity of life (although they really don't care to honor the sanctity of your life after you are born) and now, you must think that birth control is an abomination. WHAT? REALLY? Yes, it's true. Presidential Candidate and Hater of All People That Are Not Like Him, Rick Santorum (google Santorum, please) who is now considered the "true" conservative in the nomination process, believes that birth control and pre-natal care are "not okay". And so poor Former Governor and Ex- JC Penney model, Willard "Mitt" Romney, now has to say he agrees with that inane notion so that Republicans will believe him to be a "severe" conservative. To me, a white man, this appears to be a war on women's rights.
I have no horse in this race. I can promise you that I have not gotten a woman pregnant, nor will I ever get a woman pregnant, but I love women. I LOVE women. And I care about their health and most importantly, I honor their right to choose to do anything with their bodies that they choose. 99% percent of sexually active women use or have used some form of birth control. Abortion rates are down because of it. (And by the way, I hate it when they call someone "Pro Abortion". No one is pro abortion. I can almost guarantee that no woman has awakened and said, "oh goody, I get to go get an abortion today! Yippee") I am hoping that every woman that has taken a birth control pill, every woman who has a daughter, a niece,or a young female friend will stand up and fight for your RIGHTS. It's serious and your lives are at stake.
And to ALL women who love your gays (oh yeah, they want no rights for gays either) and your uterus, you must vote for the black man. Yes, I said it.
What would Betty say? "Well, that's just nuts".
Preach it. I wish everyone felt the same way you do.