Since the Presidential election cycle is beginning, it is also the time to proclaim who (or what political party) is the most patriotic. Who believes in freedom and liberty the most? Who TRULY loves this country? Well, obviously it's the Republicans and especially the Republican political candidates. Why? Because they say so. And loudly! They believe in the Constitution, word for word. They believe that government should stay out of our business. They believe that Paul Revere rang bells to warn the British that the British were coming, the British were coming. They believe that freedom began when shots rang out at Plymouth and Concorde... New Hampshire. And they believe that if you are half black and your father is from Kenya and you don't necessarily believe that everything that has happened in America has been perfect or just, you are not a TRUE American.
Times are tough in 2011. Trust me, I know. Houses are being foreclosed at astronomical rates. Jobs.... well, we're being automated out of a workforce. The national debt is cruising into the stratosphere. The lives of ALL Americans (rich or poor or in-between) are in danger due to lack of employment and housing. So, why does it matter who is the most patriotic or who loves America the most? Why doesn't it matter that the people that we have hired to run our government (and subsequently our lives) won't work to do just that... run our government. Instead, they argue that affordable healthcare for all is wrong and evil. They argue that a woman's right to a legal and safe abortion is against American values, even though it is a law of the land. They argue that people of the same sex's marriage ruins the family unit and thus causes tornadoes and hurricanes.
Why do politicians change their true beliefs just because the other side has an idea to help America and therefore, they can't believe it's a good idea? And why do politicians focus on these issues instead of the issues that are critical to our society today like jobs and the social welfare of our citizens? Fear and ignorance - a mainstay of our society since shots were rung out in
Well, here's a fact that I would like to change: Politicians are bought and sold for campaign donations! ALL Politicians. And so for that, Republicans AND Democrats, you are both unpatriotic. Oh yeah,another change I would like to make: Anyone involved in the reality show "The Jersey Shore" should be deported!
And with that, I am going to eat red meat, drink cerveza (that's foreign for "beer") and puke my guts out!
What would Betty think? "Mama (her mother) loved Richard Nixon". And then she would tell the story of listening to FDR on the radio.
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