I am bald. There I said it. I use to say I was balding, but now I have to say it, "I'm bald!". I started losing my hair when I was 25. I looked in the mirror and I freaked. Some say balding is genetic, but for me, I think it is Karma. I remember making fun of my college friend Mike Morgan for having thinning hair. (ironically, he has a full head of hair now)
But at 25, I realized that my forehead was growing. And there was nothing to do about it. So I decided to grow my hair long to make up for it. That was a pretty look. Betty said that it looked like my scalp was slipping. And this time she was right. Unfortunately, it wasn't vogue to shave your hair close to your head. There was no hope for us "balding" men. At 25, my forehead was beginning to take the shape of the continent of Africa. By 30, it was looking a little like an ink blot test. And now... It looks like an inlet with a few patches of seaweed.
Thank goodness it is cool for us bald boys to shave our heads. I never thought I would say these words, but thank you Bruce Willis.
Which leads me to my pet peeve.... Men with perfectly full heads of hair that shave them close to their scalps!
How dare you????????? Why??????? I blame it all on Justin Timberlake.
If I had a full head of hair I would grow it down to my waist. I would roll it, tease it, braid it. I would have a "Topsy Tail" in every color.
What would Betty say: "I told you not to put that dye on your hair when you did those plays!" And then she would remind of how pretty my hair was in high school.
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