This week I have been suffering from a blinding sinus infection. I haven't experienced one of these in a very long time. And this time, Mr. Infection has decided to stay for an extensive visit. Just like a bad rash or a red neck relative with a cold sore, he just won't leave.
It all started Tuesday afternoon. I was having a late lunch with a friend and toward the end of lunch I felt him (Mr. Infection, not my friend) creeping in. By the time I got home, I figured I should go to the drug store and get provisions for a cold. My usual cure-all is my trusty friend, Alka Seltzer Night Time Cold Medicine. A couple of tablets in water and, pop pop fizz fizz, you are out like a light and you wake up ready to go. Since my throat was getting sore, I decided to get some mentholated cough drops as well. I like to drop one in some hot tea to make a little "hot toddy". So Tuesday night I took my cures and went to bed.
Unfortunately, my "cure-alls" did not cure all. Wednesday morning was horrific. So, I decided to add this new fangled sinus cleanser, the Netti Pot. It is a lovely device that squirts warm saline solution up one nostril and it exits through the other nostril accompanied by some nasty looking slime. I also added the Vicks VapoRub under the nose. Throw in a few dozen Tylenol and you pretty much have my day on Wednesday.
Top the day off with the Presidential debate on Wednesday night, where we learned that Mitt Romney is truly a pathological liar who wants to kill Big Bird, and President Obama, evidently, was, perhaps, on Alka Seltzer Night Time Cold Medicine.
To make a long story short, it is Friday and I am still in the "NettiPot-VicksVapoRub-Tylenol-HotToddy-AlkaSeltzerNightTimeColdMedicine" regime. I have a few moments of clarity, but not many. As I have learned from taking care of my almost 80 year old daughter, being sick is crappy. Sometimes literally, and sometimes just figuratively.
Some people think it's funny. But it's snot.
What would Betty say? "You better get to the doctor. Your sinuses could rot out and you'll lose your nose!"